Immersive Theatre Review – A Morte do Corvo

Immersive Theatre Review – A Morte do Corvo

Immersive Theatre Review - A Morte do Corvo A couple of weeks ago, I paid my second visit to the beautiful city of Lisbon – and my second visit to what is, as far as I am aware, the largest immersive show currently running in Europe. While Edgar Allen Poe themed...
Five immersive production companies to watch

Five immersive production companies to watch

Five immersive theatre companies to watch Some immersive shows have a relatively short run, often selling out quickly. These companies are all worth watching, with some having rumoured or confirmed upcoming shows. Sleepwalk Immersive Relative newcomers to the...
Immersive Experiences

Immersive Experiences

Six immersive experiences to try Immersive is something of a buzzword at the moment. If you search shows and experiences in London, you’ll find all sorts of things being billed as immersive, from art exhibitions to themed worlds, by way of escape rooms and recreations...
Immersive Theatre – where to start?

Immersive Theatre – where to start?

Immersive theatre - where to start? Following on from my post about immersive theatre, here’s a rundown of what’s currently going on in the world of immersive theatre, as well as some shows to watch out for. Given that I live just over an hour away by train, most of...
Bacchanalia review

Bacchanalia review

Immersive Theatre Review - Bacchanalia by Sleepwalk Immersive A few days ago, I paid my second visit to Sleepwalk Immersive’s Bacchanalia, and came away thinking that I might just have to try and squeeze a third in before the end of this run. Bacchanalia is this new...
What is immersive theatre?

What is immersive theatre?

What is immersive theatre and why did I decide to write about it? If you look at my social media, you’ll see a lot of posts about immersive theatre. This is probably unsurprising, given that I’ve written a book on the subject. But what is it, and why did it intrigue...