In the back streets of the Theatre District, there’s a place where the district’s most dedicated fans have been meeting for generations. In the upstairs rooms of the Shipping News, you’ll find an archive of everything they’ve gleaned. Every secret, every story, every unlocked door or outstretched hand – it’s all there. Step inside, buy a drink, make your way up the stairs. Lose yourself in the history of the Theatre District.

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The Mathematics of the Theatre District

The Clockwork Girl

The Clockwork Girl 3

A Morte do Corvo on Instagram

The Clockwork Girl 2

Legal opinion - the District Precincts

Sleepwalk Immersive on Instagram

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Artwork by Sophie Barnes

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Artwork by Sophie Barnes

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Artwork by Sophie Barnes

Punchdrunk on Instagram

The Theatre of Glass and Shadows launch event

Deleted scene - Silver and Secrets